What is a decree?

of, relating to, or suitable for a king ; of notable excellence or magnificence, splendid

Look! YAHWEH now reigns as King! He has covered himself with majesty and strength, wearing them as his splendor-garments. Regal power surrounds him as he sits securely on his throne. He’s in charge of it all, the entire world, and he knows what he’s doing!  Psalms 93:1 TPT

De·cree /dəˈkrē/

Noun: an official order issued by a legal authority: "the decree guaranteed freedom of assembly", the issuing of a decree: "the king ruled by decree", a judgment or decision of certain law courts.
Verb: order (something) by decree: "the president decreed that the military was to be streamlined"
Decrees are commands that set boundaries. Decrees divide/cut/judge in a powerful agreement.

In His Living Word, the Lord declares what He wants to do in the earth. We are the ones He wants to use! (Psalm 24:7) When you make a decree, you are agreeing with His words and adding your 'yes and amen' (using your authority as a son/daughter of God). That is one way that we rule and reign with Him.